在欧盟,所有的电梯及*部件必须在贴有CE标识且附有EU符合声明的条件下才能被投放市场,CE标识只有在严格遵照欧盟电梯指令的检验要求、获得欧盟公告机构(Notified Body)的一致性评估及CE认证后方可使用,一致性评估的过程涵盖了电梯整机及其*部件。 因此在2014年,欧盟发布了较新电梯指令2014/33/EU,以及新版电梯协调标准EN 81-20和-50。新指令于2016年4月20日起执行,取代了老指令95/16/EC,新标准EN 81-20和-50于2017年9月起强制实施,取代了老标准EN 81-1和-2。LIFT指令是欧盟针对电梯*的法规,需欧盟授权机构依据LIFT指令对*部件和直梯产品进行EU合格评审。 EN 81-20:2014 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts-Lifts for the transport of persons and goods-Part 20: Passenger and goods passenger lifts EN 81-20 电梯建造和安装*规则-载人或载货电梯-*20部分:乘客电梯和客货电梯。 EN 81-50:2014 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Examinations and tests-Part 50: Design rules,calculations,examinations and tests of lift components EN 81-50 电梯建造和安装*规则-检查和测试部分-*50部分:电梯*部件的计规则,计算,检查和测试。 EN 12015:2014 Electromagnetic compatibility -Standard family product for lifts, escalators and moving walks– Emission EN 12015 电磁兼容-直梯,扶梯和人行道-辐射。 EN 12016:2013 Electromagnetic compatibility - Product family standard for lifts, escalators and moving walks–Immunity EN 12016 电磁兼容-直梯,扶梯和人行道-电磁抗扰。 扶梯、人行道在申请欧盟CE认证时,需按照欧盟机械MD指令2006/42/EC进行*性评估,具体协调标准: EN 115-1:2017. Safety of escalators and moving walks. Construction and installation 整梯包括乘客电梯,客货电梯和液压电梯。 *部件: 1. Devices for locking landing doors 层门门锁装置 2. Devices to prevent the car from falling or uncontrolled movements(e.g. safety gear , ACOP & UCMP ect.) 防止电梯坠落或意外移动装置(如:*钳,上**制动器,UCMP等) 3. Overspeed limitation devices 限速装置 4. Energy-accumulating or Energy-dissipating buffers 蓄能/耗能型缓冲器 5. Safety devices fitted to jacks of hydraulic power circuits where these are used as devices to prevent falls 液压系统中防止掉落的*装置(如破裂阀) 6. Electric safety devices in the form of safety circuits containing electronic components 含电子元件的*电路 电梯CE认证申请流程: 1.Application to one notified body 2.Examination of supporting documentation 3.Witness the test of given number of samples at the manufacturer’s premises or his approved laboratory 4. Conformity assessment 5. CE certification by the Notified Body